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How do you remember the order of the solar system?

Dec. 06, 2023
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Remembering all the planets in our Solar System can be really tricky. Especially because there are so many, and you have to remember them in order from the Sun. To make it easier, we can make a ‘mnemonic’ (putting things in a sentence to help us remember things better). 

The mnemonic for remembering the order for the plants from the sun is:

My Very Easy Method Just Speeds Up Nothing

Then, all you have to remember now is: 

My (Mercury)  Very (Venus)  Easy (Earth)  Method (Mars)  Just (Jupiter)  Speeds (Saturn)  Up (Uranus)  Nothing (Neptune). 

"Very Easy" Mnemonics for the Planets

Memorizing the order of the planets in our solar system is very easy when you use mnemonics.

According to NASA, there are eight planets in our solar system. Beyond the eight planets are additional dwarf planets, including Pluto.

How to Memorize the Planets

A good mnemonic for the order of the planets is: ”My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nachos.”

Here are the names of the planets with the corresponding mnemonics:

Planet NameMnemonic WordMercuryMyVenusVeryEarthEducatedMarsMotherJupiterJustSaturnServedUranusUsNeptuneNachos

The mnemonic sentence we created is called an acrostic mnemonic (as opposed to an acronym). The first letter of each word in the sentence corresponds to the first letter of each planet: ”My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nachos”.

There may be hundreds of dwarf planets, so those are usually left out of the main mnemonic, but if you want to remember Pluto as well, you can use ”My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas.”

Pluto is now considered a dwarf planet, but people who were educated with older textbooks may want to include Pluto.

The “Very Easy Method” for Remembering the Planets

If you include Pluto, a good mnemonic for the order of the planets is ”My (Mercury) Very (Venus) Easy (Earth) Method (Mars) Just (Jupiter) Speeds (Saturn) Up (Uranus) Naming (Neptune) Planets” (Pluto).

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It’s okay to be creative! You can make your mnemonics as silly as you want, for example, ”Many Vast Elephants Make Jam Sandwiches Under No Pressure”.

The Rhyme for Remembering the Planets

There’s also a famous rhyme for remembering the planets. It goes like this:

Amazing Mercury is closest to the Sun. Hot, hot Venus is the second one. Earth comes third, it’s not too hot. Freezing Mars awaits an astronaut. Jupiter is bigger than all the rest. Sixth comes Saturn, its rings look best! Uranus and Neptune are big gas balls. Tiny Pluto is the last planet of all.

A Poem about the Planets

If you’re teaching kids the order of the planets, you can read them a poem.

In the depths of space, we find a sight A solar system, planets in their might Each one unique, with its own flair From the Sun to Pluto, let’s take a stare

Mercury is first, closest to the Sun It’s small and rocky, its orbit fast and fun Temperatures extreme, too hot to touch And too cold on the dark side, a world as such

Venus, second in line, a fiery ball Greenhouse gases trap heat, warming it all Its surface a desert, no water in sight A runaway greenhouse, a world of might

Earth, our home, third from the Sun With life in abundance, it’s second to none Water and air, the essentials of life A blue marble, unique and rife

Mars, the fourth planet, a red hue Rocks and dust, a barren view Ancient riverbeds, evidence of water past A possible haven for life to last

Jupiter, fifth in line, the largest of all A gas giant, a swirling, stormy ball The Great Red Spot, a raging storm Moons galore, a system to form

Saturn, sixth planet, with rings to behold Ice and dust, a sight to be told A system of moons, a diverse range Enceladus, with geysers strange

Uranus, the seventh, an ice giant in sight A tilted axis, seasons of light A blue-green hue, a methane sky Moons galore, a system to vie

Neptune, the eighth, the farthest from the Sun A blue hue, a windy one Storms like Jupiter, but colder still A system of moons, with Triton’s chill

Pluto, a dwarf planet, a world of its own Icy and rocky, a place unknown A part of the Kuiper Belt, a faraway place A planet, then not, its status to chase

The planets in order, a journey through space Each unique, a wonder to embrace From the Sun to Pluto, a story to tell A solar system, in which we dwell.

Do you know any other mnemonics for planets? Share them in the Art of Memory Forum.


Science Mnemonics

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How do you remember the order of the solar system?

"Very Easy" Mnemonics for the Planets

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